Our Baby

Max David
January 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
Weight: 3 lb 14 oz Length: 16.5"

Monday, April 19, 2010

15 Months

Max turned 15 months old on April 8th. He’s getting so big. He has such a personality and cracks us up all the time. He recently started liking having his picture taken and really hams it up now. Here are some of the things about him:

  • He walks a few steps alone but he’s a whiz if he’s holding on to something or someone.
  • He says mama, dada, ball, kitty cat, woof woof, get it, and that (really dat).
  • His favorite toys are balls. His favorite book is I See a Monster, an autograph copy of a touch and feel book.
  • His favorite food is any fruit but he also loves anything that has a lot of flavor (garlic, yummy).
  • He recently tried some dirt and didn’t like it too much.
  • He knows where his nose and his belly are.
  • Recently learned to go up and down stairs….thanks to a weekend visit with Aunt Lisa who has lots of stairs.

His 15 month check up went well. He’ll still be riding backwards in the car for a little while longer. He hasn’t reached the 20 lb requirement yet. He’s 19 lbs 12 oz. (<>

Saturday, April 17, 2010

14 Months and More....

I know, I know....I've been delinquent in my blogging. So now I have a lot to post. I completely missed his 14 month picture. So here it is.

Here are some pictures from the last 6 weeks.

Max and Robin at the park on one of our beautiful spring days.

Max with his cousins Danny and Brian.....and the monkey.

Max trying to hide.

For a long time, Max didn't really want to eat sweets. As you can see, that has changed. He would have eaten the whole piece of cake if we let him.

Roger and I went to the Met to see La Boheme. It was our first time away from Max for longer than 18 hours and so far away. We had a great time in the City and the opera was great.