Our Baby

Max David
January 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
Weight: 3 lb 14 oz Length: 16.5"

Monday, December 29, 2008

Mele Kalikimaka!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We certainly did. The baby even received a few presents....oh boy, spoiled already. Our baby shower is this weekend so I'm sure he/she will be even more spoiled. We went to the doctors last week and all is good. Baby and Marcy gained another 4 lbs - 23 in total. Roger says she waddles now. So far the pregnancy is going great. Marcy feels a little uncomfortable but not too bad. She's able to sleep pretty good....except for the every 2 hour bathroom break. I guess this is one way to prepare for baby's middle of the night feedings. Maybe she should start waking Roger up so he can prepare too?? We go back to the doctors on 1/6 for another ultrasound so we'll post the latest and greatest picture then.

Monday, December 22, 2008

All Decked Out...

We went to KPMG's annual Holiday party this weekend. Unfortunately, the picture of both Roger and Marcy came out too blurry but here is a picture of Marcy all decked out at the party. Can't believe that we're 6 weeks away from our due date......Oh boy!! Marcy is still feeling pretty good but swelling more and getting tired easily. She has a doctors appointment this week and will post more after that.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

32 Weeks and Counting

Went to the doctors today! All is good. The baby is about 3 lbs 7 oz. (give or take 5 oz.) They're predicting about a 7 lb baby - I heard that they are usually not accurate with these predictions. We'll see. Let's just hope that she doesn't take after her father who was 10 lbs. Heartbeat was in 140s. Marcy is starting to gain weight more rapidly - 5 lbs in in the last 2 1/2 weeks (19 lbs total). We can't believe that the baby is due in 8 weeks. Time has flown by. Marcy is starting to feel PREGNANT. The baby got in the way of her cutting her toe nails the other day so she had a pedicure....sounded like a good excuse.