Our Baby

Max David
January 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
Weight: 3 lb 14 oz Length: 16.5"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Alive @ 5 and a New Pick Up Line

Max went to his first Alive @ 5 concert. We went with Denise and saw a very good Eagles cover band. It wasn't even that crowded. I think he really enjoyed it. Denise heard a new pick up line. She was holding Max and he was crying. A guy came over to D and said "I guarantee if you hold me like that I won't cry." D may be taking Max more often.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Swaddle no more

Our little boy is growing up. He's not being swaddled any more. We weren't sure what the 1st night without the wrap was going to be like but he went right down to sleep and stayed asleep all night. He even takes naps very easily without it. I have rocked him to sleep a few times in the last week because he's been a little sick. Even being sick though he's still a very happy baby.

He misses, as do I, Aunty Rose. She's in Hawaii until 8/24. But we'll be seeing her sooner than that because we're going to meet her there on 8/8. We can't wait. We're not really looking forward to the long flight. I'm hoping Max does as well as he did when we went to Florida - it's a little longer of a flight though. We're very excited to introduce Max to his Hawaiian family and for Tutu to see him again. He's changed so much and as many pictures as we send, it's not like the real thing and she's missing him.

....Oh so many toys.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Old Tricks New Video

Max rolls over....

Daddy makes Max giggle....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Max found his toes

Max has found his feet. We're waiting for him to get them to his mouth.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

6 Month Update....All American, the Bar and the Bear

Can't believe that Max is 6 months old already. Seems like just yesterday we were traipsing back and forth to the NICU. And boy has he come far. He's now 13 lbs 12 oz and 25 inches. Just look at this picture. He's now much bigger than the bear and almost fits in the chair. He got another round of shots and he didn't even cry after the 1st one. I even asked the doctor if he really gave it to him. He cried only a little after the 2nd one.

He eats like a champ. We're up to 3 veggies and 2 fruits. He hasn't had any problems with anything and seems to like it all - although we're not sure he likes peaches. He doesn't turn them away at first but doesn't seem to want to eat as much after he's had some. He's up to 2 solid meals and he'd have more if we gave it to him. He watches adults eat and drools.

He still sleeping really well at night - 10-11 hours - but only cat naps during the day...about 3 short naps during the day, sometimes only for 20 minutes. Then he's up and ready to play. He has some new tricks and I'll post the video tomorrow.

Max belly's up to the bar. We're switching bottles already.

Who's this? For 6 months he's been sitting next to this bear once a month and then for this picture he looked at the bear as if to say "who do you think you are sitting in my chair."
Max is an all American boy. This was his 4th of July outfit and how fitting that these pictures are taken with him on the all American teams blanket. Go Yankees.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day care, cross dressers and more.....

The title caught your attention huh?
A lot has happened since I last posted....more firsts for Max and us. We celebrated Roger's 1st fathers day at camp with my Dad and family. Dad loved the picture of all the grand kids in their Yankee shirts.
Max added another food item to his repertoire - sweet potatoes. He loves them. He is ready to eat more food. When ever he sees an adult eat he watches them very carefully and gets really excited, opening his mouth as if someone is going to feed him too.
He has rolled over from his stomach to his back a few times. Unfortunately, the first time I was the only witness. The 2nd viewers of this great feat were Aunt Tammy and family. She was so upset because she was afraid that he hadn't done it for us yet and she wasn't sure if she should tell us. I guess I forgot to tell her. Then Daddy finally got to see it yesterday.
Max attended with first day at a daycare center. Aunty Rose is out of town so we used KPMG's backup child care option and took him to ChildTime. I cried all the way to work but I knew he'd be fine. I called a few times during the day and they said he was doing just fine. When Roger picked him up he walked in the infant room and it was very loud. There were 8 babies there yesterday and all but 2 of them were crying or making noise. Max was just laying there watching what was going on. They said that if all the babies were like Max they'd have very easy jobs.

Max saw his first cross dressers. Uncle Henry (or Aunt Henrietta) participated in the Mr. Deer Run competition. He was 1st runner up. I think Max is traumatized for life. Those Junco brothers make beautiful women. Papa won Mr. Deer Run a few years ago.

Max met Mr and Mrs. Westendorf, Aunt Tammy's in-laws. He didn't seem to like them too much huh? Bill must have a calming way about him.