Our Baby

Max David
January 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
Weight: 3 lb 14 oz Length: 16.5"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Baby is Growing Fast

Yes, it's been awhile...we know. But this is well worth the wait. This is our baby at 17 weeks 4 days. It was amazing to see how much he's (no we don't know but we don't want keep saying he/she) grown. We could see some of her (see, we really don't know) organs (liver, heart, brain) and most of the bones. We even saw his blood flow - that was cool. Marcy hasn't been able to feel him yet but he is moving quite a bit. Her heartbeat was very strong too.

To see a video of the baby at 8 weeks, click here http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=marcy+%26+roger&hl=en&emb=0# Turn up the volume and you can even hear the heartbeat.

Although the ultrasound technician could tell the sex of the baby, we do not know and we're not going to find out. We know this will bother some people but you'll just have to wait it out. It doesn't matter to us as long as he/she is healthy. Roger thinks its a girl though.

Marcy is feeling pretty good. Luckily the nausea stopped after only a couple of weeks. She's also getting some energy back too. We know that some of you have been dying to see a picture of the her belly but there really isn't much there yet. Just a little bump. As soon as she's showing a little more we'll post some pictures. She's gained 5 lbs so far - right on track per all the books.

We haven't picked a theme for the baby's bedroom but it's already painted green. Soon we'll be able to clear out the room and get it ready for the baby. We also haven't registered yet but guess we'll have to do that pretty soon too. We started looking at names but have only been through the girls names in the book. We have a few on the list but not sure which one it will be yet. We're going on vacation in October and will pass the time flying by reviewing the boys names. So much to do and so little time!!!

Now that Marcy isn't asleep the minute she gets home from work, we promise to post again soon....promise.


Karen NJ said...

Finally an update! I think about you both (you three!) all the time. You're almost halfway there! I'm going to go cast my vote now!

jesss said...

heyy! im so happy to hear how good you 3 are doing! i am so happy for you guys! i cant wait to see you guys! i miss you! love you 3!!

P.S. leah says she cant wait for her little cuz! and good luck! (shes rite next to me)

Anonymous said...

Fran from Huntsville, AL

Don't feel bad, I thought I was either carrying a monkey or Yoda when I was expecting my son. I love this Blog, it's great!!!! Can't wait to see updates.