Inauguration day 2009 was a special day in the Tadjbakhsh household.....Not because we have a new president but because Max came home that day. On Monday we were told that Max wasn't ready to come home but on Tuesday morning when Marcy called the hospital to check on how Max did through the night, they told her he was ready to come home. We were surprised and excited and a little...okay a lot...nervous. But we went to the hospital for the last time to pick him up. Even though he had gained some weight, he weighed 4lbs 5.6oz at that point, he looked so small in his big car seat.
The first night at home was very stressful. Not only did Max not sleep at all, mommy and daddy were nervous about everything. When we left the NICU they gave us instructions to feed him at least his minimum amount needed every three hours. We were so aware of every milliliter he ingested and the time that he ate it. It was quite nerve racking. And of course, when he was sleeping, we were watching him sleep. He didn't sleep well because he was so used to the NICU which is noisier and brighter than our house is at night.
Luckily we got an appointment with the pediatrician for Thursday and he put our mind at ease. Max had gained almost 2 more ounces - he weighed 4lbs 7oz. He told us not to worry so much about being so precise regarding feedings. Like everything else, now Max dictates when he wants to eat and how much. Luckily he has been increasing what he takes and for the most part keeps to every 3 hours. We will be seeing the pediatrician once a week for a few weeks because Max is a preemie. The last few nights have been better....We're all getting used to our new routine, or lack thereof. Eat, sleep, change diapers, do laundry, and start all over again.
Max has quite the personality and a set of lungs to go with it. He doesn't like his diaper changed and makes a lot of what sound like piggy noises. He is also very impatient and wants to eat the second he wakes up. He makes lots of faces....most of which look like he is very concerned about something or he is thinking very hard. He's very strong and tries to hold his own pacifier and bottle. He's already Daddy's little boy.
Piggy Noises! I love him already! So glad you're all home together and getting to know each other! :-) JANE & STEVE
thanks for the update. Everything sounds great! Hooray Mommy and Daddy!
Enjoy every moment. He's so beautiful and we couldn't be happier for you both.
Lisa, Chris & Shawn
Christopher gets the very serious face too.. but is usually because he will be pooping soon =)
Max is beautiful and I am so happy he is home with you both!!
---Love Kimberly & Christopher (oh- Greg too)
congrats to you both. you'll have good days and bad days, but remember this is definitely a blessing
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