The week of January 4th was a whirlwind - starting with our baby shower and ending with the arrival of Max David Tadjbakhsh on January 8, 2009 at 10:41 AM. On Tuesday we went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. The u/s showed that the baby wasn't growing as he should have been. So the doctor wanted to induce labor on Thursday. On Wednesday night we went to the hospital to start the process. Overnight Marcy was given Pitocin to start the induction and the baby's heartbeat was monitored overnight. The monitoring showed that his heart rate kept decreasing every once in awhile and stayed low for long periods of time. So the doctor decided that the best thing to do was to perform a c-section.
The surgery started at 10:15 and Max was born at 10:41 AM. He only weighed 3 lbs 14 oz and was 16.5" long. Because of his size and prematurity he was taken to the NICU for treatment. He had to be put on oxygen for a short period and was given IV fluids and antibiotics for the 1st 2 days. He now has a feeding tube to help him eat because he is having a hard time eating the amount he needs to eat to grow big and strong. He's also a little jaundice so he's in the "blue light special" (the light therapy to help him get rid of the excess bilirubin.) He will likely be in the NICU for at least a week - until he can eat on his own, maintain his temperature, and gains weight. Now he weighs 3 lbs 12.8 oz. - he lost two oz, gained one and then lost .2 oz yesterday. Luckily he's able to keep taking breast milk and only be supplemented with 2 formula feedings a day. Of course, until he gets stronger all his meals are through a bottle or the feeding tube.
Marcy is leaving tomorrow, which will be very hard to do - to leave Max here - but it is what he needs to grow. We will be making many trips back to the hospital to keep him company, feed and cuddle with him. We'll keep posting to give everyone updates on Max's progress.
Sending out many prayers for Baby Max to grow bigger and stronger every day so he can be home with you soon! Love, Karen, Scott and Annabel
Marcy, so glad you're well enough to go home! It'll be so tough...but so temporary...to leave the little bambino, he wants to be with you as much as you want to be with him! Thanks for taking the time to blog and keep us posted, LOVE JANE & STEVE
Hi Marcy and Rog,
Finally got to see the pictures. (Had trouble installing the player.) They're just wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing them. (You're way more efficient than we were those first few days.)
What a beautiful baby you have. I think I see little bits of both of you in his cute little face. We are so happy for the three of you! Hope you're feeling well and glad to hear that Max David is getting what he needs to grow big and strong. I'm sure he'll be home with his parents (yes, you are parents) in no time.
Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts and pictures with us. We can't wait to meet Max and Jecen is excited that there's a new baby (and future playmate). Enjoy and cherish every minute of this because it goes by too fast. Don't hesitate to call us if you need anything. (So you know, I'm an expert swaddler.) Keep taking those pictures and keep us posted. Take care and we'll see you all soon!
Tom and Rhonda
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