Max is 6 weeks old now and growing like a weed. He weighs 6 lb 6.5 oz. While things have settled down since his first week home, we're still a little overwhelmed. Who knew that such a tiny thing could wreck such havoc?! He sleeps 3-4 hours at a time at night, which mommy and daddy love, and he is much more alert during the day and loves tummy time with Daddy. He is generally a good baby but lets you know when it is time to eat. He gets his patience from Mommy (or lack thereof) and screams until he gets the food in his mouth. We're waiting for the day that he realizes that we will definitely be giving him his food as soon as possible. We're still working on breastfeeding and hope that Max will get the hang of it eventually but for now he's getting fed via a bottle and gets 2 formula feedings a day and the rest breast milk.
Max has an umbilical hernia - basically an opening in the abdomen that did not heal and a loop of intestines have moved into the opening. This should heal on its own before he turns 2. For now, it just looks like he has a large outie belly button. He also has a hematoma or "strawberry" on his left arm - a collection of blood vessels in the skin that shows up as a raised red mark. This too will heal on its own, probably by the time he is 2 also.

Max has had lots of visitors. Everyone just loves him and he's quickly getting spoiled. Tutu (Hawaiian for grandmother), Marcy's mom, spent almost 3 weeks with us and was a big help. Meme and Papa (Marcy's dad and stepmother), Nanny (Roger's mom) and all his aunts, uncles and cousins have all showered him with love. They were also very helpful to mommy and daddy, making lots of meals for them when Max was in the hospital and then after he came home.
What a great update! You know I've been dying for one. He's so cute!
he's gorgeous ya'll. i'm so happy for you. hope everything is well. if he gets gas, push in on his hernia, it works its way out. you'll see though it heals well.
Don't look now, but that little snuggly he's all wrapped up in looks a little too much like a straightjacket... seriously! Brings an old song to mind - "Don't Fence Me In." He's the cutest little bean! We totally need to see pics of tummy time! LOVE JANE AND STEVE
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