We had a party at our house on the 2nd with about 40 guests. I wasn’t sure how we were all going to fit and how I would do making lasagna and baked ziti for that many but everything turned out fine. The men folk ended up downstairs in the basement (where they belong) playing darts and the kids games were held in the living room. Everyone else dispersed between the family room, kitchen and living room. I think even Max enjoyed it. As you can see from the pictures, he was busy playing with his cousins Alexa, Leah, Arianna and Laila and his new friend Robin (just 3 weeks his junior.

He had is well checkup with Dr. Brand last week. He is doing very well. He weighs 17 lbs 10 oz. – less than the 3rd percentile. He is 29 ½ inches tall – in the 13th percentile. His head circumference is 45 cm – in the 13th percentile. Although he’s small, he’s been growing steadily along the curve since birth so doctor says he’s doing fine. He’s been getting a little finicky about eating these days….I’m hoping we’re not cursed with a picky eater after all (our mothers wished upon us because Roger and I would only eat PB&J for years). The doctor says as long as he eating a couple of good meals and snacking he should be fine. We’ve be transitioning him to cows milk and he seems to like it..
He also doesn’t like any sippy cups….we’ve tried about eight different ones and so far he prefers a regular cup. That’s not a bad thing except for my floors and anything else he can pour the liquid on. He doesn’t hold any of them yet, not even a bottle. I was worried that the doctor would tell us to transition him from the bottle too but he said as long as he’s off of it by 2 he’s okay. Max doesn’t go to bed with it or get anything other than formula / milk in it so there’s less risk to his teeth.
Speaking of teeth….he’s still the toothless wonder. I can’t even see one wanting to come out. He’s not walking yet but I think he’s pretty close. But I’ve been saying that for months. He moves himself around holding on to things and has stood up on his own at least once that we know of. Look, miraculously I got it on camera too.

He says Dada and Mama (mostly Dada). He waves bye bye and does high five and so big. He makes a sound like he’s rolling his r’s or purring. It’s so cute. I can do it but Roger can’t so Roger thinks we’re speaking a secret language.
More party pictures - kids playing the marshmellow tower game and then eating the building blocks. Meme and Ashley, Rita and Robin, Vincent and Unlce Mark, Nanny and Max and Steve and Max.
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