Max had his 2 month doctor visit on Tuesday. He's now 7 lbs 6.5 oz and 18 3/4" long. He's doing great developmentally as well. He has started to give real smiles. Mommy got one on Monday and Daddy got one on Tuesday. He has started to react to toys and following things with his eyes too. All you parents out there know what the else was in store for the 2 month appointment - yes, the dreaded shots. He handled them like a champ unlike his mommy who didn't hold up as well. After the 1st shot in the left thigh, he didn't make a sound or breath for what felt like 5 minutes but was probably more like 5 seconds. Then he started screaming as the doctor gave him 2 more shots in the right thigh. Once they were done and he was in mommy's arms sucking on a pacifier, he stopped crying and was fine. He was a little cranky that night but not too bad. And he slept for 6 hours ...wahoo!!

looks like he just got out of jail...JK. You know me, always sarcastic!! He's beautiful Marcy and Roger.
Hi there,
Max is developing well. I think I see more of Marcy but I can see Roger too. Look at your baby pictures and see who he resembles most. I sure wish I lived closer so I could spend time with baby. He is a handsome boy. I love the picture with the bear and I wonder what Max is thinking? I love that look on his face. You can just see the mischieviousness. Aunt Janet
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