It started on Monday when I started feeling nauseous and really tired. So on the way home I bought a home pregnancy test. The next morning I took the test and it showed two lines. I've never seen two lines before. I got excited but thought that it couldn't be true. (Roger was away so he had no idea.) So then I went to my doctor who gave me a blood test and confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. When Roger got home I gave him a card - a Father's Day card for a new father. He just kept saying "I can't believe it. Are you sure?"
Luckily I called my fertility doctor and unlike a regular ob/gyn they will give you an ultrasound as early as possible. So on Thursday we went for one. And that's when we found out that we were 6 weeks 2 days pregnant and the baby is due around February 3, 2009.
So far I'm still pretty nauseous all the time and a little tired. And Roger is watching me like a hawk and making sure I don't trip or fall out of bed. We can't wait for the next 7 1/2 months to go by. In the meantime, we'll have a lot to keep us busy.
Glen and I grin everytime we think about your news. So, So, So happy for you both! Love Glen and Doreen
We are overjoyed at your news and what a wonderful blessing. God has answered prayers. You will be wonderful parents and what a lucky baby!
This is the greatest news. Scott and I are so happy for you!
We are just OVER THE MOON to hear this FANTASTIC news! We can not wait to get our hands on this much awaited little child!!!!
We are so happy to share this journey with you both:)
Congratulations, Roger and Marcie! You are going to make wonderful parents and your baby is going to bring such joy to EVERYONE!!!
-Christine & Bill Westendorf
I have been thinking about you today Marcy. I hope you are feeling well and Roger I hope you are hanging in there too. Janet & Everett
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