Our Baby
Max David
January 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
Weight: 3 lb 14 oz Length: 16.5"
January 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
Weight: 3 lb 14 oz Length: 16.5"
Monday, December 29, 2008
Mele Kalikimaka!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We certainly did. The baby even received a few presents....oh boy, spoiled already. Our baby shower is this weekend so I'm sure he/she will be even more spoiled. We went to the doctors last week and all is good. Baby and Marcy gained another 4 lbs - 23 in total. Roger says she waddles now. So far the pregnancy is going great. Marcy feels a little uncomfortable but not too bad. She's able to sleep pretty good....except for the every 2 hour bathroom break. I guess this is one way to prepare for baby's middle of the night feedings. Maybe she should start waking Roger up so he can prepare too?? We go back to the doctors on 1/6 for another ultrasound so we'll post the latest and greatest picture then.
Monday, December 22, 2008
All Decked Out...
We went to KPMG's annual Holiday party this weekend. Unfortunately, the picture of both Roger and Marcy came out too blurry but here is a picture of Marcy all decked out at the party. Can't believe that we're 6 weeks away from our due date......Oh boy!! Marcy is still feeling pretty good but swelling more and getting tired easily. She has a doctors appointment this week and will post more after that.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
32 Weeks and Counting
Went to the doctors today! All is good. The baby is about 3 lbs 7 oz. (give or take 5 oz.) They're predicting about a 7 lb baby - I heard that they are usually not accurate with these predictions. We'll see. Let's just hope that she doesn't take after her father who was 10 lbs. Heartbeat was in 140s. Marcy is starting to gain weight more rapidly - 5 lbs in in the last 2 1/2 weeks (19 lbs total). We can't believe that the baby is due in 8 weeks. Time has flown by. Marcy is starting to feel PREGNANT. The baby got in the way of her cutting her toe nails the other day so she had a pedicure....sounded like a good excuse.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving!
Everything is going well. After a few late nights, the baby's furniture is all put together and ready for baby. We went to the doctor last Thursday and baby and Marcy are doing great. Marcy gained another 2 lbs - 14 lbs total. We now go to the doctors every 2 weeks - next appt is Dec 9th and we'll get another ultrasound then. We went to a child birth class on Saturday. It was pretty good. Who knows if Marcy will use the techniques she learned but we feel like we're more prepared - as prepared as we can be given the uncertainty of labor and delivery. Our instructor was very entertaining and made the day go by very fast.
Everything is going well. After a few late nights, the baby's furniture is all put together and ready for baby. We went to the doctor last Thursday and baby and Marcy are doing great. Marcy gained another 2 lbs - 14 lbs total. We now go to the doctors every 2 weeks - next appt is Dec 9th and we'll get another ultrasound then. We went to a child birth class on Saturday. It was pretty good. Who knows if Marcy will use the techniques she learned but we feel like we're more prepared - as prepared as we can be given the uncertainty of labor and delivery. Our instructor was very entertaining and made the day go by very fast.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Counting Down

We went to a baby show last weekend and a photographer was there giving free 8x10s. It was worth the trip to the show.
We had another check up yesterday. Baby and Marcy are doing well. Marcy had the gestational diabetes test and all is good. She's gained another 2 lbs, that makes 12 in total so far. Her iron levels are back to normal and the baby's heartbeat was nice and strong. Everything is going very well.
Thursday, October 23, 2008

We went to the Outer Banks last week for a much needed vacation. The weather was awesome and we had a lot of fun, rest and relaxation. As you can see, Roger had some adventure too. Next time we go I'm trying hang gliding too.
The baby is doing well. The last doctor appointment was on the 10th and everything seems fine. He/she is moving a lot now. Marcy gained another 3 lbs but after vacation it may be more like 13 now - we found a Cold Stone Creamery near by and visited it quite frequently. Next appointment is early November when Marcy will have the Glucose Challenge test to check for gestational diabetes.
The baby's furniture is ready to be picked up and our family room floor has been installed. We need to paint the family room but then we can move stuff out of the baby's room and into the family room. Hope to have the baby's furniture in the room by next weekend.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Baby's Room

The babies room is coming along. The room is already painted green and last night we ordered the baby's furniture. It's offwhite. The other picture is the bedding that we want. We're almost done registering. Just need to review it and delete some duplicates. We're registered at Babies R Us and JC Pennys. Hopefully we have everything we need and not too much of what we don't need. Only the baby will be able to tell us that.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Who will our baby look like?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Baby and Marcy are growing
We had another doctors appointment and everything is going well. The baby is growing as he should and Marcy is growing too. The baby has been moving alot. Marcy feels her move a few times a day. Roger got to feel her a couple of times too. It's so amazing. We started looking at things that the baby will need...boy is that overwhelming. How can there be that many different swings? Will the baby even like the swing? So many questions, so little time.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Baby is Growing Fast

To see a video of the baby at 8 weeks, click here http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=marcy+%26+roger&hl=en&emb=0# Turn up the volume and you can even hear the heartbeat.
Although the ultrasound technician could tell the sex of the baby, we do not know and we're not going to find out. We know this will bother some people but you'll just have to wait it out. It doesn't matter to us as long as he/she is healthy. Roger thinks its a girl though.
Marcy is feeling pretty good. Luckily the nausea stopped after only a couple of weeks. She's also getting some energy back too. We know that some of you have been dying to see a picture of the her belly but there really isn't much there yet. Just a little bump. As soon as she's showing a little more we'll post some pictures. She's gained 5 lbs so far - right on track per all the books.
We haven't picked a theme for the baby's bedroom but it's already painted green. Soon we'll be able to clear out the room and get it ready for the baby. We also haven't registered yet but guess we'll have to do that pretty soon too. We started looking at names but have only been through the girls names in the book. We have a few on the list but not sure which one it will be yet. We're going on vacation in October and will pass the time flying by reviewing the boys names. So much to do and so little time!!!
Now that Marcy isn't asleep the minute she gets home from work, we promise to post again soon....promise.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Baby's First Picture

It started on Monday when I started feeling nauseous and really tired. So on the way home I bought a home pregnancy test. The next morning I took the test and it showed two lines. I've never seen two lines before. I got excited but thought that it couldn't be true. (Roger was away so he had no idea.) So then I went to my doctor who gave me a blood test and confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. When Roger got home I gave him a card - a Father's Day card for a new father. He just kept saying "I can't believe it. Are you sure?"
Luckily I called my fertility doctor and unlike a regular ob/gyn they will give you an ultrasound as early as possible. So on Thursday we went for one. And that's when we found out that we were 6 weeks 2 days pregnant and the baby is due around February 3, 2009.
So far I'm still pretty nauseous all the time and a little tired. And Roger is watching me like a hawk and making sure I don't trip or fall out of bed. We can't wait for the next 7 1/2 months to go by. In the meantime, we'll have a lot to keep us busy.
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