Max turned 15 months old on April 8th. He’s getting so big. He has such a personality and cracks us up all the time. He recently started liking having his picture taken and really hams it up now. Here are some of the things about him:
- He walks a few steps alone but he’s a whiz if he’s holding on to something or someone.
- He says mama, dada, ball, kitty cat, woof woof, get it, and that (really dat).
- His favorite toys are balls. His favorite book is I See a Monster, an autograph copy of a touch and feel book.
- His favorite food is any fruit but he also loves anything that has a lot of flavor (garlic, yummy).
- He recently tried some dirt and didn’t like it too much.
- He knows where his nose and his belly are.
- Recently learned to go up and down stairs….thanks to a weekend visit with Aunt Lisa who has lots of stairs.
His 15 month check up went well. He’ll still be riding backwards in the car for a little while longer. He hasn’t reached the 20 lb requirement yet. He’s 19 lbs 12 oz. (<>