Max is nine months old already. Wow! Where does the time go. He went to the doctor yesterday and had a great check up. He's 16 lbs and 26.75 inches tall and the doc is happy with his growth. He's not on the chart for his weight and he just made it on for his height but he's doing great.
Developmentally he's doing everything he should be doing. He's sitting up really well and even stands pretty good too (with support). He's starting to get on his hands and knees and rock and will even take a couple of steps when you hold his hands. I think he's going to walk before he crawls. My prediction is that he'll be walking by 10 1/2 months. I'm not looking forward to him getting into everything but I don't think we have a choice. He's a man on a mission.
He's eating like a he'll never get another meal. Eats anything we give him so far. We have discovered that he has a reaction to yogurt and maybe cottage cheese...still testing that one. Hopefully that will go away eventually. We haven't tried many finger foods yet, just a few puffs (baby snacks that melt in their mouth) and a piece of banana which he had no idea what to do with. I'd just assume puree all his foods until he's in college but eventually we'll give him food he can pick up and bite. It just scares me.

Today was trick or treating at my parents camp, they close next week so they do it before they close. Max was dressed up as Tigger. He looked so cute. He got lots of candy for mommy and daddy. See what I mean about standing.
Yesterday, our friends Scott, Karen, Annabel and Caroline stopped in to visit on their way to Vermont. They live in NJ and Karen and Scott work at KPMG too. I met Karen when I was working in NYC and we were both single... look at us now. Boy have we come a long way.
It was the first time that we got to meet Caroline and that they met Max. Annabel is 19 1/2 months old and Caroline is 7 1/2 months old. Max and Caroline seemed to hit it off....I don't think Annabel knew quite what to think. She was probably saying "oh no, now there are two of those little creatures to watch out for."

Well, they got along until Max wanted the toy and then decided to pull Caroline's hair. Fortunately, Caroline wasn't too phased by it since she's used to her older sister crowding her space. Actually, there were no tears and Caroline was all smiles no matter what. All three kids seemed very content.

Hanging out with family. Max bonded with his cousin Vincent today, playing on the floor. And he got hugs and kisses from MeMe and mommy.
Last weekend we went to a birthday party for Uncle Henry and met lots of cousins. Unfortunately, my camera is horrible and all the pictures were blurry. We figured out that max has 113 cousins on my fathers side. Crazy, but true. First my father is the youngest of 12. So I have 33 first cousins (Max's first cousins once removed), 53 first cousins once removed (Max's second cousins) and 22 first cousins twice removed (Max's second cousins once removed) (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin for a description of how the cousin chart works) and then Max has 5 first cousins. Huh?? Yep it's that simple. Here is the only picture that came out halfway decent from that day....it's of my dad and his 3 remaining siblings - Dad top left, Uncle Paul standing, Uncle Henry and Aunt Melia.