Max was 8 months old on September 8th. Can't believe he's getting so big. After our first couple of weeks back from Hawaii, Max settled back into his routine. He's sleeping through the night again but still wants to be rocked to sleep (before our Polynesian experience, he would go to sleep on his own.) So we're working on that....trying to be strong and let him cry it out, but sometimes he gets the best of us and we give in. He's just so darn cute. He has changed his bedtime a little and likes to go to sleep a little earlier now...I think it's because he's still not much of a napper.
He's an eating machine. I think he has a whole in him somewhere. He's up to 3 meals of solid food a day. He eats many fruits and vegetables now including spinach, asparagus and mango (we had a mango tree in our yard of the house we rented in Hawaii...Yummy!!) He also likes yogurt and cottage cheese. We've been trying to get him used to the sippy cup too.
He's sitting up by himself for a lot longer now.....he's hasn't mastered it but he's pretty close. We're still waiting for him to crawl but I think he may walk before he crawls because he loves to stand up and can make the walking motion when we hold him in the standing position. I think he's been trying to snap his fingers. His cousins that he's with on Wednesday's dance and sing for him and when they do they snap their fingers so I think he sees them and is trying to do it. It's so cute.
Here are some of the others pics from his 8 month pose. It takes many shots to get the perfect one but some of the others come out so cute too. FYI - Ku'uipo means "sweetheart" in Hawaiian. Jade made him this shirt at our baby shower (for the contest of who could make the best onesie for the baby.)

Max went to his first local fair and went on a Merry-Go-Round for the 1st time. He really wanted to go on the roller coaster but didn't quite reach the height requirement.

Max playing we a couple of his favorite toys.